Secret betrayal: Episode 2

How did you meet Collins? I asked Vera.
Vera smiled. She looked at me, and laughed soo hard.
I was dumbfounded....
Why are you laughing like a witch na... I asked.

She said, nothing, that I would be surprised how she met her boyfriend and I'll be more surprised that they haven't seen face to face ...

Hian!  I exclaimed.

Which kian relationship be that na? As in you are in a relationship with someone for almost two years and you to haven't met? I asked shocked at what I heard...

' baby girl, yes!  I haven't seen Collins. We just chat, do video calls, calls and texts.....
She replied.
I met him on Eskimi, when I finished my SSCE.. We both got chatting and along the line we exchanged contacts....
he couldn't come see me cos I was staying with my parents and I didn't have the right and privilege to travel yet.... So he told me to be patient and get admission first so that he will be free to visit and vice versa...

Collins calls every minute to hear her voice.
Her phone is always busy that I always get jealous that no guy calls me on phone to at least ask how I'm doing.

He says sweet things to her. He sends texts early in the morning and late at night..
A day without Vera getting Collins calls or text messages was like heaven was against her.

When she wakes up in the morning, she gets to read lovely messages from Collins. She became so used to him that she couldn't wait to see him.
Collins runs his father's company according to what Vera said.
His dad travelled for medical checkup as he was diagnosed with Hypertension some years back. So all the family responsibilities lies on Collins that's why he hasn't come to see his girlfriend.
He is waiting for the dad to come back to Nigeria then he will be opportune to travel down to Enugu from Lagos to see her.

Collins takes good care of Vera.
She doesn't lack anything.. He sends her gifts, recharge cards, money.......

After some months, Collins decided to come see Vera.
She was so excited..
She imagined how she would react when she sees him after all these years of blind dating..
She couldn't wait to Kiss those lips she sees on his profile pix..
She verbalized how she imagines how he will cuddle her in his arms and say those sweet words he sends as text messages in the early hours of the day and late at night...

'that means you will have sex with him on your first night? I asked Vera.

'As the spirit leads.... She replied with a grin.

Hmmmm!  I exclaimed! Don't oo! You must not sleep with him na!
Show him you are well brought up.
You know all these guys remain sweet until they must have come in between your legs, then you will see how the sweetness will become bitter.
Babes, shine your eye ooo!
I warned her pulling my own ears..

'shebi? She replied.
I don't want him to see me as cheap.
I just pray he won't ask for sex...... Cos i don't want to appear cheap to him. Vera said.

It was already Friday..
The day has come for Vera to meet her online boyfriend.
She was nervous.
She made sure her hair was in order.
She already has a hotel in mind where Collins would lodge. She didn't plan on staying with him in the hotel.

Lots of things went through her mind.
She couldn't control herself.
She has been visiting the toilet cos of anxiety.

Then her phone rang, it was Collins....
He told her he was closeby and that she should get prepared to see him.

Her heart skipped into her stomach.
She's the shy type though so I understand her fears.

When he called that he was in front of her logde, she took me along to come meet her boyfriend....

To be continued..


  1. This may not sound fair, because it’s not

    But did you know that you can be a guy’s dream girl...

    I mean, you can literally check off every box on his “perfect woman” list...

    But if you mess up this one thing, he’ll drop you the second another option comes along?

    My friend James Bauer discovered this missing “secret ingredient” all men are constantly searching for in a woman.

    And most women have no clue it exists because guys aren’t even aware of it.

    We just KNOW when it’s missing.

    ===> The “Secret Ingredient” to obsessive love <=====

    The really cool thing is, when you know how to give a man this “secret ingredient”...

    It will send a shockwave of desire for you straight to his brain and he will HAVE to have you.

    In fact, when you do this... watch his face light up, almost as if he’s just been zapped.

    It’s that moment when he says to himself “Where have you BEEN all my life?”

    Every woman should know this. Check it out here: ====> Why men leave “perfect” women... <=====


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